Stave churches in Sogn
In Norway we have some unique pieces of medieval arcitecture, nameley the stave churches. These are wooden churches, mostly preserved by using tar, thus giving them the iconic dark brown/black colour. There are painted stave churches, but what I see in my minds eye when I think of stave churches, are the very dark mysterious…
Things to do in Førde; Sunnfjord museum
Visiting an open-air museum, can be a fun and interesting activity. Sunnfjord museum is a small open-air museum, about 10 minutes’ drive from Førde. The museum was originally in Førde, but was moved to its current scenic location at Movika in 1950. What can you see at Sunnfjord museum? There is a museum building with…
Bunad basics
A short summary of the Norwegian bunad. Bunad is the Norwegian national garb. Some of the local bunads have been in continual use through the ages, some are reconstructions, and some are inspired from tradition.
Book town visit in Fjærland (Fjaerland)!
A visit to the book town is always a fun time! You may not get what you came for, but you will usually leave with something interesting and unexpected. I came primarily because I hadn’t been in a while, and I was looking for some Le Guin, and as always folklore and ethnology. I didn’t…
Finding the path
It feels like I’m in a dark season, and it’s felt like that for a while. There’s been a lot of loss these past few years, although I have a few good things in my life, everything seems lacklustre and dull. I feel like my creativity is shrivelling up and slowly dying. The good thing,…